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Forum Posts
Sep 23, 2024
In Installation Help
I recently did a fresh install of Anaconda3 and SMAK on a M1 Mac.
While my previous installation of Anaconda and SMAK proceeded exactly as described on the installation webpage, this time I came across some hurdles.
1. While I believe that I had installed my previous Anaconda3 for all users, the "/opt/anaconda3" direcoty was in my "User/opt/anaconda3" directory as described in the installation instructions on sams-xrays.
Yet this new installation installed in "/opt/anaconda3". i.e. directly on the Macintosh HD, not in the user directory. I may be mistaken about my previous install, but it is worth noting that maybe something changed with the installation defaults.
Anyway, this meant that my shortcut no longer worked and I had to edit for the new directory.
2. The command for creating the smakenv "conda create -n smakenv python==3.10" created the environment in the "osx-arm64" architecture. i.e. the Apple Silicon architecture. The previous architecture is "osx-64".
Not a problem unless you want to install the additional segmentation and image registration modules.
When running the "conda install lap -c conda-forge" I got an error:
"Packages Not Found Error: The following packages are not available from current channels:
This is because this "lap" package does not have a version that works for osx-arm64.
When you create the smakenv, use "conda create --platform osx-64 -n smakenv python==3.10".
This creates the smakenv in the architecture that allows you to install the lap package.
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